Poetry Less Than Daily

Strong Poems. Beautiful Poems. Tough Poems. Poems w/ the F-word. Poems less frequent than before but no less kick-ass.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Jonathan Mayhew trans. Jonathan Mayhew


Escuchaba yo un disco - en la edad de los tocadiscos -

entró mi padre, me comentó, extrañado y despectivo, que le sonaba a piano de cóctel

En vano habría sido contestarle, avergonzado, que se trataba del gran Bill Evans

que sí tocaba en esa época algo parecido a la música de Cóctel


I was listening to a record - in the age of recordplayers -

when my father came in, surprised and dismissive, telling me it sounded like Cocktail piano

It would have been in vain to tell him it was the great Bill Evans

who was in fact playing, in that period, a form of Cocktail piano


Guest Editor: David Shapiro


At 7:08 PM, Blogger Bill said...

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At 7:10 PM, Blogger Bill said...

What is a piano?

At 3:14 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Great blog , I have been on the lookout for poetry for free for months and im really looking for inspiration for my next book so keep up the good work guys.

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At 12:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

果然很有意思呀....這當然要頂一頂呀 ̄﹏ ̄..................................................................


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